San Antonio SHRM offers a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to businesses and organizations looking to connect with more than 500 Human Resource Professionals in San Antonio and the surrounding area.
Our sponsors are a vital part of San Antonio SHRM's growth and success. The chapter’s membership is comprised of professionals from companies of all sizes and across a broad range of industries.
Participating as a sponsor ensures your company has visibility while making connections to the HR communities leading decision-makers and influencers.
Pinnacle Partner - $10,000Twelve-month term ($8,000 Savings!) Included with the Pinnacle Partnership:
| Platinum Partner - $7,500.00Nine-month term ($6,000 Savings!)
Included with the Platinum Partnership:
Diamond Partner - $5,000Six-month term ($4,000 Savings!) Included with the Diamond Partnership:
| Gold Partner - $3,000Three-month term ($1,500 Savings!) Included with the Gold Partnership:
Silver Partner - $1,500Included in the Silver Partnership:
| Bronze Partner - $500Included in the Bronze Partnership: